Costume College
Costume College 2012
Costume College 2011 – Classes
On Saturday, I got into a very popular limited class on Regency Bodiced Petticoats, taught by Mela Hoyt-Heydon & Martha Davis. The first part was an unlimited lecture on the construction & materials, and they primarily referenced Hunnisett’s Period Costume for Stage & Screen. In the second part they did fittings on us and made a bodice pattern so that we can make our own at home. I’m very curious to see how the shape will compare with my Regency Stays…once all those projects are finished. 😉 We sent our measurements in advance and they had muslins ready for us, and tag-teamed the fitting & pattern work. They worked really hard, and I’m looking forward to having proper undergarments for the next Jane Austen Evening!
Sunday I took a 3rd limited – Beginning Embroidery with Catherine Scholar. I’ve tried to teach myself embroidery several times previously, but there’s no substitute for a real person showing you technique and giving tips. When it’s finished, I’ll stitch this up into a little Regency-style reticule (purse). I was so excited when I saw the project – it’s exactly the kind of purse I’d pick to make. Have I ever mentioned how much I love monograms? And did you notice that it’s GREEN? 🙂
Sunday afternoon I attended the unlimited lecture “What Real People Wore – 1930’s and 1940’s” by Lauren – she had a ton of info, and I just wish the lecture had been longer! I think she’s going to post some of her research material on her blog, so keep an eye out!