Everyday Wardrobe: Gray Tweeds

There has been some buzz lately on sewing blogs about the Everyday Wardrobe – we all have a tendency to sew/buy a lot of special pieces that aren’t very versatile, and wind up wearing the same few things all the time. This topic came up right when I decided to put some fresh effort into my dance wardrobe, and I’m incorporating the idea into my current projects.
I’ve got 2 patterns that I plan to use over and over for my Everyday dance pieces…my dance skirt is a 6-gore style that I copied from a thrifted skirt, and the trousers pattern is Wearing History’s Smooth Sailing pattern. My genius idea is that using TNT* patterns & and the same fabric means that the sewing will go quickly. Except it’s not so genius when my fabric is off-grain when I cut them out, because then it means I have 2 garments to fiddle with and fix instead of one! whoops…
Here are my first additions to my Everyday (Dance) Wardrobe – my 2 TNT patterns stitched up in an gray acrylic tweed. I love using washable fabrics, so I’ll pick a good synthetic/blend if it looks nice. This one really looks like wool and it’s a loose weave so I think it’ll still breathe.
I didn’t plan my new tweed pieces around Sunni’s idea of making an outfit from a Never Worn Garment in your closet, but that ended up happening! I’ve had that white butterfly top for nearly 2 years, and wore it for the first time this weekend.

What do you think about the Everyday Wardrobe idea? Are you joining in? or would you rather put your efforts into making fancier things?
TNT Pattern = Tried and true pattern that you’ve made before and love!

  1. Anonymous November 17, 2012 at 6:25 pm

    I love the idea of making everyday, wearable items. I've been doing this lately as well. Its so great to be able to get lots of use out of pieces that you've put your time & heart into making!

    Your skirt & trousers are lovely, I think I'll start looking for some tweed for my next project!


  2. Bunny Moreno November 17, 2012 at 9:14 pm

    I love this! I think making items that you can interchange and wear often is a fantastic thing. You will get more use out of it and in the end that is a great thing! xox

  3. superheidi November 18, 2012 at 8:37 pm

    Exactly why I love separates! Same for shoes, I prefer to invest in good Oxfords than dainty high heels. Though ofcourse it is wisdom of hindsight. 🙂

  4. Lady D November 19, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    Great idea. I think I need a everyday dance friendly wardrobe.
    I do plan to make myself a winter 'capsule' wardrobe. As I really don't have room in my wardrobe for stuff I don't wear. I have too much pretty summer stuff and not enough practical autumn/winter/spring stuff.

  5. Tasha November 20, 2012 at 7:40 pm

    Love your two creations! And also your butterfly blouse and green sweater. And you guys look so cute together in that photo!

    I am an everyday clothing gal all the way. I really have no business sewing cocktail dresses and fancy clothes. I've definitely been thinking a lot lately about Sunni's everyday wardrobe idea. I'd love to have a few sewing patterns that are tried and true that I can use over again to have a well coordinated basic wardrobe!

  6. Anonymous November 21, 2012 at 7:56 pm

    I definitely lust after gorgeous special event clothes (and have several favorited on Etsy) – but I have so many gaps in my everyday wardrobe that I know that's what I need to focus on. I really wish I knew how to sew because those pants are amazing.

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