Great Stays Project of ’12

Things have been very scattered around here on the sewing front lately. I’ve got so many project and ideas swimming around in my head and I’ve had trouble focusing on anything. 30’s blouse? Hats? Regency stays? A shiny shirt for Chris? I’m also thinking about outfits for Camp Hollywood and Costume College. (–My first time attending, because it doesn’t conflict with CH for once! Whee!) All these were on the list, and then suddenly I was bit by the Edwardian bug.
More specifically, by this jacket in Downton Abbey:
I’ve never been a big fan of Edwardian fashion, but I’m starting to get it. I usually like tailored fashions more than fluff, but I’ve been branching out and finding a lot to like lately in the Edwardian world. And there are Edwardian events nearby (and as huge and crowded and frustrating as Los Angeles is, there are so many great events and fun things to do that I can’t imagine ever leaving…) So I’m going to branch out and sew an Edwardian.
I spent a lot of last week surfing around, looking for project inspiration (instead of actually sewing!). If I were more fun and less precise, I would just grab a Simplicity costume pattern and make a dress. But that’s not how I work. I try to be accurate and efficient, even in my “relaxing” hobbies. (I know, I bore myself even.) And everyone knows that undies make or break a period outfit.
So I’m going to take on the Great Stays Project of ’12. I’m going to sew Regency stays (1812) and an Edwardian corset (1912) simultaneously. Using my hands and feet at the same time? Something like that. But I think I can get these projects done a little faster and quicker if I do them both at once.  This also fits in with the Double Period Project on Your Wardrobe Unlock’d, so if I keep my membership I suppose I’ll enter.
Unfortunately, if I work from the inside out, I’ll have about 37 garments to sew before I can make that coat. Edwardian undies are seriously complicated. Someone talk me out of this, quick!
  1. Lauren April 20, 2011 at 4:08 am


  2. Nuranar April 20, 2011 at 1:49 pm

    I'm totally doing Edwardian at Costume College, too, at least for one day! 😀 We'll all go mad together!

  3. Laura April 21, 2011 at 5:59 pm

    You are ambitious…and I love it!

    Sounds like my project list lately….I'm trying to make more things for my
    Etsy shop, and yet I can't seem to focus on just one. Instead, my mind swims with multiple ideas. Must. Focus.

    Can't wait to see what you create!

  4. Stephanie Ann May 24, 2011 at 6:21 pm

    I can't wait to see it. It's beautiful.

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