Make and Mend

It’s been a rough couple weeks around here (just busy with work, etc.), but I’ve been trucking along with my make and mend projects when I get a chance. Most of my projects have been sitting in a pile for weeks or months (years? yes, even that. sheesh!) so I’m glad to be forced into working on them.

My first 3 mending projects have been fairly simple. One was tacking a hole in a sweater (just one little hole, but I didn’t want to wear it and have it run), the second was restitching the zipper in a favorite dance skirt, and the third was cleaning up some Re-Mix shoes.

This skirt’s actually green. But I wouldn’t mind having a blue skirt!
The shoes are the most dramatic transformation. I’ve danced HARD in these shoes for the last couple years, and they still have some life left in them but they looked so gnarly I was embarrassed to wear them out. I had them reheeled a year ago and asked the guy to repaint them gold, but they didn’t look any better afterward, so I decided to try it myself. First up, clean them and snip any loose threads.

Then I got a gold paint pen and went over them a couple times. I have no idea how long this will last, and if you try it on your expensive Re-Mix shoes and they get messed up for any reason, don’t blame me! This was my last ditch effort to save them from the trash bin.


And voila! I’m pretty happy with them. They’re slightly streaky if you look close, but the nicks and scuffs are gone. Chris polished them for me after I took these pictures and now they’re a little less bling-y, but hopefully that keeps them from rubbing off on other people’s shoes. Like his. 😉

  1. Shelleyj June 13, 2011 at 5:24 am

    Wow, those shoes look amazing!

  2. Beth June 13, 2011 at 6:07 am

    The lighting helped a lot, too. 😉 But they look a zillion times better than before!

  3. Tasha June 13, 2011 at 5:07 pm

    The shoes had quite the transformation, they look great!

  4. Kathryn Hannan (nee. Mackenzie) June 15, 2011 at 7:21 am

    Those shoes look fantastic – I love the colour!

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