Regency Gown #2

I’ve finished the bodice of my dress, which means that the whole thing is nearly done! The skirt is just a couple rectangles gathered into the bodice.

I lined the sleeves with my self fabric, and interlined with organza for extra poof. The right sleeve is misbehaving, I don’t think I ironed it as well as the other side.
The bones still need to be cut – turns out the new dremel tool doesn’t work on the bones, so we have to go to storage* and get the old dremel tool.
I’m really proud of the eyelets – I have an eyelet footplate attachment for my sewing machine, but they were still a lot of tedious work. I like the lacing much better than buttons though. Hope they hold up!
*I’m not a fan of having a storage unit, and I’m hoping we can sell our house quickly so we can cram all that junk back in our closets! 😉
  1. Laura January 15, 2011 at 3:58 am

    LOVE this gown! Bravo!

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